Heat stress videos

In this series of videos from Dr. Rodrigo Garcia, TechMix Ruminant Technical Services, will explore heat stress and its effects on your herd and production.

What is heat stress and how does it affect your cows?

Video 2

It is essential that you are able to evaluate heat stress in farm conditions and understand what role the Temperature Humidity Index, THI, plays in the heat stress of your animals.

Video 3

While heat reduction strategies help keep cows comfortable, they are not 100% effective. Use TechMix’s Bovine BlueLite to cool your cows from the inside out (TM). Help maintain milk yield and reproductive success during heat stress.

Video 4

A THI above 68 results in reduced dry matter intake and activity, which in turn causes losses in milk production. Watch as Rodrigo Garcia, TechMix International Ruminant Nutrition Manager, explains how heat stress affects dairy cows and its effects on production.

Video 5

Increased body temperature and reduced blood flow to the reproductive system leads to damage to reproductive cells and embryos. Watch Rodrigo Garcia, TechMix International Ruminant Nutrition Manager, explain the effects of heat stress on reproduction.

Video 6

BlueLite is a food supplement designed to cool your cows from the inside out™. Watch how Dr. Rodrigo Garcia, ruminant nutrition manager at TechMix International, explains how to feed BlueLite cows to help with water absorption and give them the nutrients they need to prevent heat stress.

Video 7

Cows become heat stressed starting at an average temperature humidity index (THI) of 65. Dr. Rodrigo Garcia, TechMix International ruminant nutrition manager, explains how to assess heat stress on your farm in the next installment of the TechMix heat stress series.

Video 8

Dr. Rodrigo Garcia, TechMix International ruminant nutrition manager, explains how to use nutritional strategies to alleviate heat stress in your operation.